#ONEDAY is Aug. 6


  • Childcare

     Programs providing child care for infants and children up to age 6. (before- or after-school-only programs do not qualify)

  • Employment

    Organizations providing employment-related services such as job readiness, job placement, job retention programs: training or education, and support services such as transportation, tools, or clothing to enable individuals to work.

  • Food & Nutrition

    Organizations providing food to those who don't have the ability to meet daily needs: food pantries, food banks, and soup kitchens.

  • Eviction Prevention & Housing

    Organizations that provide direct shelter to individuals and families in crisis. Also includes organizations that provide financial assistance, landlord-tenant mediation, and other related services that assist individuals and families to stay safely in their homes.

  • Physical & Mental Health

    Organizations providing clinical physical and mental health care. This includes health care supplies and staffing needs.

#ONEDAY Critical Needs Alert is Aug. 6, 2024

The #ONEDAY Critical Needs Alert will help our entire community to support over 200+ nonprofits in Allegheny and Westmoreland counties serving vulnerable populations. 

Far too many people — especially those who are Black, indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) — are unable to meet their basic needs and have limited access to resources and opportunities that would help them thrive. For example, one-in-five Pittsburghers is food insecure, and shortages of affordable housing and child care contribute to housing and family instability. . When individuals and families can meet their basic needs, they experience less stress and anxiety, which supports overall well-being, provides stability and empowers them to lead healthier, fulfilling lives. 

Your donations will benefit organizations and nonprofits supplying basic needs services in five areas. You will help people facing challenges with child care, mental and physical health care, job insecurity, food insecurity, eviction and other threats to housing.  

Who is most vulnerable?

Single women raising the children are at greatest risk of poverty. In our region, 18% of children in our region live in poverty. Pittsburgh is among the most difficult places for Black women and their families to thrive.

79 years of generosity

Since its founding in 1945, The Pittsburgh Foundation has brought donors and nonprofits together to transform our community. Thank you for joining us to support our neighbors! 

The faces behind #ONEDAY

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